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        Home >> News >> Product Q&A

        Why does the industrial air conditioner frost in the whole process of application

        Author:Admin      Times:2021-08-10      Hits:539

        Industrial air conditioners can be said to be a clean stream in the refrigeration and temperature reduction industry. At a very large level, industrial air conditioners solve the refrigeration and temperature reduction in the open area of the industrial workshop, and improve the difficulty of installing refrigeration industrial products in large and medium-sized production workshops. Sometimes, customers will come to inquire, said that industrial air conditioners in the operation of the situation will occur frost, what is going on? Today I will explain why industrial air conditioners frost.

        Why industrial air conditioners frost.

        1. There is not enough refrigerant. Industrial air conditioners in the application after a long time, refrigerant leakage or leakage happens, reduced refrigerant in the refrigeration unit, then lead to volatile working pressure is too low, cause air conditioning evaporator frosting, the part of the frosting general part before air conditioning evaporator, clear way is first solved leak location, filled with refrigerant. Common failures will be cleared.

        Why does the industrial air conditioner frost in the whole process of application

        2, air conditioning evaporator dirty. After the air conditioner is applied for a period of time, the airborne dust in the air or the microorganism caused by the air conditioner evaporator will accumulate on the air conditioner evaporator, blocking indoor ventilation, resulting in the reduction of the heat exchanger, and the temperature of the air conditioner evaporator is too low and freezes. The freezing part is behind the evaporator of air conditioning. After the ice melts, tap water flusher the air conditioner evaporator, and use a soft brush along the plate wing type brush, paying attention to be sure not to wet part of the electrical equipment. After clean and tidy, common faults will be removed.

        3, refrigeration compressor common faults. Air conditioner after long-term application, refrigeration compressor to reduce the high efficiency to reduce, or refrigeration compressor distribution system software is destroyed, causing the work pressure is too low, frozen frozen parts also part before air conditioning evaporator, in front of a add some cold media, common faults can be cleared, if common faults, still must be changing a refrigeration compressor.

        4, the working temperature is low: the air conditioner is applied in the natural environment of 18-45 degrees, if the working temperature is less than 18 degrees, then the air conditioner will frost.

        5. The air duct of the air conditioner of industrial production is blocked. If the air conditioner air duct is blocked by dirt and dirt inside, it will cause the air inlet to be not smooth, resulting in air conditioner frosting.

        The key reason for the frost condition of industrial air conditioner operation is above this kind of, in fact, industrial air conditioner frost is not a very serious problem, just need to figure out the reason of the frost can not worry about, and can deal with the frost condition very well.

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